A Closer Look At The Controversy Of An Alzheimer’s Study

By Divya G

According to a study released in 2006, it is quite evident that the presence of beta-amyloid tends to impair human memory. This dementia-related study was published by a group of researchers in a journal called ‘Nature.’ In this specific research, beta-amyloid is considered one of the major causes of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

However, an assistant professor from Vanderbilt University didn’t support these findings, thus giving birth to some kinds of controversies. According to the professor, some of the manipulated images have paved the way in the research.

Image courtesy of @andrew / Pexels

Image Manipulation – What Does That Mean?

A special consultant for Harbers Bik says that image manipulation is the procedure of altering a picture or a photograph. While removing moles and wrinkles from an individual’s face might make some sense, altering images in scientific photography is not a wise bet. 

Except for some contrast adjustments, no more manipulation should be done to these kinds of pictures. A particular study from 2016 proves that almost 3.8% of scientific papers deal with problematic images and deliberate manipulation.

Image courtesy of @katlovessteve / Pexels

Words Of Some Of The Experts

Dr. Grace Stutzman stated that even if the images in the Nature study were intentionally manipulated, it didn’t undermine the other studies that were conducted in this area. According to Dr. Maria C. Carrillo, Nature reflects a small part of dementia and Alzheimer’s research; it doesn’t come with a direct effect on the entire science.

On the other hand, the Alzheimer Society of Canada thinks that these image manipulations are definitely a serious concern. The researchers should focus on deeper inquiries before investing their money and time.