Are We Slowing Down Aging Or Has Life Expectancy Simply Increased?

By Stephen M

Many people feel uncomfortable talking about aging and the fact that death awaits at any time. That notwithstanding, it is something we can never escape. Scientists have been working with speed to develop very effective anti-aging mechanisms. Some works have been done already, and several others are on course slow aging.

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However, becoming an immortal is scientifically almost impossible. Death is inevitable. According to the University of Southern Denmark research, we can’t stop aging. In addition, every living being has a fixed aging rate. We cannot change this phenomenon even with improved air quality, a healthy environment, quality food, and daily exercise.

Research Findings

Applying mathematics and statistics on population and life expectancy data, the researcher team led by Fernando Colchero found that people currently live longer than some years back. That said, our rate of aging hasn’t changed significantly. This means people grow older now than before because fewer people are dying young, not because life expectancy has increased.

In a release, Colchero stated that life expectancy would continue to increase across the world. This, he said, has nothing to do with anti-aging practices, but because more people are surviving infant and young age mortalities.

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Japan, Sweden, and other countries have a high life expectancy, with most of their population dying after age 70 to 80. This is a sharp contrast to what happened in the 1800s, as fewer people reached that age in the same countries.

Lucky for us, scientists are conducting research that might prevent early demise and prolong our lifespan.