45 Bridges That Have Us Looking For An Alternate Route

By Anthony K

Without bridges, you may take longer routes to reach your destination. Bridges fall among humanity’s most notable achievements. When interacting with long-surviving bridges, you are likely to appreciate the imagination and ingenuity of those that came before us, unequipped with machinery. Most bridges are beautiful, durable, and strong enough to support automobiles of different weights. While bridges are built considering your safety, the sight of some masterpieces can make you reconsider crossing. We’ve compiled a list of 45 scary bridges that can make you pause before taking a further step. The bridges span water bodies, wide valleys, and mountains with a diverse view of flora and fauna featuring different architectural designs. You can dig into your arsenal to muster the courage needed to drive, walk, or run across. We hope you can find some itineraries to visit this year from the list below.

1. Ai Petri Bridge, Ukraine

The Ai Petri Bridge is a risky way to handle the extreme Ukrainian cold. Ai Petri sits above a 4200-foot canyon that may discourage you from looking down below when crossing the bridge. Even on a sturdy bridge, we’d probably hesitate before crossing the mountains that high up.

Photo Credits: Tiia Monto / CC BY-SA 3.0 / commons.wikimedia.org

And it’s not just the altitude; the environment has raging winds that high up. For your safety, you need to remain safe on the swaying bridge. The adrenaline rush can generate enough heat to keep you warm for days. If you want a safer way to warm yourself, consider buying a room heater.

2. Aiguille du Midi Bridge, France

The Aiguille du Midi Bridge is France’s second most visited tourist attraction, after the Eiffel Tower, of course. Known in English as “Needle of the Mid-day,” it’s a magnificent mountain in the Mont Blanc region. To reach the Aiguille du Midi’s peak, you must ride a cable car.

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At the top, there is a café, gift shop, and viewing platform. But to get there, you have to pass through the Chamonix to Plan de L’Aiguille du Midi at 2,317 meters high. Then, climb up to a station at 3,777 meters without pillar support. 

3. Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway

The Atlantic Ocean Road is comprised of eight bridges, each with a fantastic view. Nature and architecture mingle to form a spectacular view creating a road of ecstasy for road trippers and motorcyclists alike. Unfortunately, you may come across unpredictable weather conditions that could turn your relaxing trip into a dangerous trek.

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While driving across the bridge, remember to stay focused to avoid accidents. The road’s beautiful setting contributes to its hazardous nature. As you look at the lovely sights and curved bridges, staring too long can increase your chances of dropping into the waters below.

4. Borovsko Bridge, Czech Republic

The Borovskvo Bridge was constructed on a now-defunct route starting in 1930 and is still a work in progress. The bridge’s location in the center of a forest gives it a creepier vibe. Its other name, “Hitler’s Bridge,” is a third reason you might steer you clear of it.

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The Borovsko Bridge has no destination and constantly stands above a flowing body of water. Cars cannot cross the bridge, which is great news for lost travelers. With all the potential dangers, crossing the incomplete bridge is a risky feat, even for well-traveled explorers.

5. Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge, Pearl River Delta

When it comes to building vast structures that make your hair stand on end, China is sure to get the job done; we all know of the Great Wall. Another famous structure is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge spanning the Pearl River Estuary, popular for being the world’s longest sea-crossing.

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Unique bridges such as this are mostly found in a beautiful environment which is a great sight-seeing spot, that is until the wind reminds you that you’re driving over open water. The extensive bridge-tunnel system includes an underwater tunnel making your experience more covetable.

6. Bridge of Immortals, Huang Shang China

The Chinese Bridge of Immortals is a well-known landmark around Huangshan Mountain. It leads to a cave deep in the rock with a stunning view of the foothill below. The bridge connects two rocks and is located approximately 1,320 meters above sea level.

Photo Credits: Blbrk / Public Domain / en.wikipedia.org

The Bridge of Immortals offers a path to fulfill humanity’s desire to live forever. When visiting, the hefty price for travel is adequate preparation for a unique experience in exchange for immortality. You can live in the caves once you achieve the coveted immortality.

7. Canopy Walk, Ghana

A bird’s eye view gives the best experience when cruising above monkey and bird reserves during your rainforest visit. The canopy walk in Ghana offers exclusive breathtaking views of the forest floor from 40 feet above. The one-of-a-kind experience has increased the number of tourists visiting the area.

Photo Credits: Sze Ning / CC BY 2.0 / commons.wikimedia.org

To prevent potential hazards, several safety measures have been installed on the bridge. The aluminum wires and safety meshing are sufficiently high to protect you from falling off the sides. While admiring the spectacular landscape, keep both arms on the barriers for safety.

8. Capilano Suspension Bridge, Canada

This Canadian suspension bridge is a popular tourist attraction as it provides various stunning views at each angle. It’s approximately 70 meters above the river and 140 meters long with seven footbridges. According to the park’s website, the bridge can hold up to 96 adult elephants.

Photo Credits: Markus Säynevirta / CC BY-SA 4.0 / en.wikipedia.org

Unlike most bridges, these aren’t entirely fixed, and shift as the trees move and grow. The bridge intertwines uniquely with the local nature and culture, which can be expanded upon by nearby staff. It also gives you a panoramic view of the canyon and rainforest below.

9. Captain William Moore Bridge, United States

The Captain William Moore Bridge is a distinctive structure crossing an active earthquake fault. Its engineers secured only one end of the bridge tightly, knowing the potential dangers in this area. Fixing only one side makes the bridge more effective and able to shift more safely during quakes.

Photo Credits: DJHeini / CC BY-SA 2.0 / commons.wikipedia.org

This bridge is one of the most dangerous places to be in during an earthquake. In fact, the Alaska Transportation Department is trying to replace the outdated bridge. When the project is finished, the original bridge will be left in place as a symbol of ancient innovation.

10. Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Northern Ireland

Around 250 years ago, fishermen fishing for Atlantic salmon built the Carrick-a-Rede Bridge. It is about 20 meters long and 30 meters high, connecting the tiny island of Carrickarede and the mainland. The bridge is a well-known tourist attraction in Northern Ireland.

Photo Credits: C.Echeveste / Shutterstock

Masses throng the bridge for an exhilarating experience, including interacting with the rare wildlife and beautiful coastal scenery. Due to its popularity, you must make a reservation with the National Trust before visiting the Carrick-a-Rede. For your safety, the trust manages the bridge by controlling the number of people crossing at any time.

11. Chesapeake Bay Bridge, United States

Normally, this is a lovely sight, but it’s a risky route; with a brisk wind, the Bay Bridge is hardly a driver’s dream. If the wind speed exceeds a terrifying 55 mph, it is closed. It’s also known for erratic weather patterns and unpredictable topography.

Photo Credits: Khairil Azhar Junos / Shutterstock

Before 2007, the Maryland Transportation Authority offered free rides over the bridges to nervous drivers. Since then, drivers have received services from a private company at a fee. If crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge makes you dizzy, you can hire someone to assist you.

12. Daedunsan Suspension Bridge, South Korea

Beyond the popular K-dramas, South Korea is home to one of the world’s scariest bridges. The Daedunsan Suspension Bridge spans two rock formations serving as the main draw for tourists visiting the mountain. Visitors are treated to a stunning view on the ground and above.

Photo Credits: Leo Kohout / Shutterstock

From the Dadunsan Bridge, you can see the rocky peaks defining the mountain. Visit in the fall for a fantastic view of the mountain surrounded by autumnal tinted leaves. A word of warning for nervous travelers — if the bridge shakes or swings while you’re climbing it, looking down can magnify your fear.

13. Deosai Bridge, Pakistan

Pakistan is a worthy destination with stunning mountains and scary bridges. The Deosai Bridge connects to the Deosai National Park at the intersection of two biogeographical provinces. Deosai boasts of its richness in fauna, chilly winds, and thunderstorms but is less occupied than many of the other bridges on this list.

Photo Credits: Haseebs / Public Domain / commons.wikipedia.org

Like other suspension bridges, the Deosai Bridge is made of planks and wires suspended above a river. Despite its rickety appearance, the bridge is available for vehicle and pedestrian crossing. For safety purposes, it’s best to avoid crossing the bridge while a car is doing the same.

14. Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

Along with its terrifying appearance, a little background on the Hussaini Hanging Bridge sends an extra chill down your spine. First, its age is unknown, and second, it’s built of basic materials. The environment’s windy weather also contributes significantly to its hazardous state.

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It freezes our blood just thinking about a strong wind swinging the bridge while we’re on it. The holes created by the missing planks make it harder to cross. A more damaged bridge stands nearby as a reminder of the fate awaiting the Hussaini Hanging Bridge.

15. Hanging Bridge of Ghasa, Nepal

Nepal is popular for its extensive high mountain ranges. In order to traverse such terrain, an overpass is usually required. Suspension bridges are the design of choice for these areas. Besides the height, a terrifying aspect of suspension bridges is their vulnerability to high winds.

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The Hanging Bridge of Ghasa reduces congestion in town, with its primary purpose being for the movement of herds of animals. It is built to withstand a great deal of weight and stands approximately 443 feet tall. While using the bridge, we advise that you watch out for cattle.

16. Iya Kazurabashi Bridge, Japan

Only three of the 13 bridges that once crossed the Iya River remain in place. The Iya Kazurabashi Bridge is the largest remaining survivor, stretching about 45 meters across. It provides tourists with an exciting view of the forest and river.

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The bridge is bound to the tall cedar trees at both edges, with steel cables hidden within the vines for additional support. The bridge has a single way in and out and is rebuilt every three years. Though it appears serene from a distance, a closer look can make you tremble.

17. Kawarau Bridge, New Zealand

New Zealand has a reputation as a destination with numerous islands and unique landscapes all year round. If you want to try more daring activities in New Zealand, visit the Kawarau Bridge. The bridge also offers bungee jumping for an extra rush of adrenaline.

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The Kawarau Bridge is the first bridge built explicitly for thrilling and dangerous activity. Though it’s entertaining, we recommend extensive research before visiting the location. The Kawarau Bungy jump, which is 43 meters high, is not for the faint of heart.

18. Keshwa Chaca Bridge, Peru

The Keshwa Chaca Bridge was a DIY project and is the last surviving example of an Incan hand-woven bridge. It was built by weaving grass strands into long ropes. The resilient bridge is remarkable in that it’s still in place after a half-millennium of shifting weather conditions.

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The engineers used fibers from the native grass plants for its construction. It’s not easy to imagine that the grass can withstand worsening conditions and still stand firm. The builders were fearless as they built the bridge 148 feet above the river.

19. Kokonoe Yume Bridge, Japan

At 173 meters above the Naruko River, the Kokonoe Yume Bridge is Japan’s highest suspension bridge. From the bridge, you can see the towering Kuju mountain range in a brighter light and experience the misty breeze. Keep an eye out for mirages caused by fog on the bridge.

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The Kokonoe Yume Bridge is reserved for pedestrians only. The priceless piece attracts more visitors each year, with an increase from one million in 2017 to eleven million in 2018. If you’re looking for a place to visit, you should add this bridge to your list. Carry a camera for some spectacular shots of the bridge.

20. Konitsa Bridge, Greece

The Konitsa stone bridge is a pedestrian bridge spanning the Aoos river. With its arch, the structure looks like something from a fairy tale. Despite its rough charm, the bridge is small and has low walls that don’t offer adequate shelter from the river.

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The Konitsa Bridge is located in a region susceptible to windy conditions, making it more dangerous. If you visit, stand strong on the bridge and keep your footing as the wind tries to sway you into the river as you enjoy a view of the magnificent construction. Listen for the bell under the bridge that warns of impending danger.

21. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, United States

The twin bridge, which is 24 miles long, holds the record as the longest bridge over water. Drivers have come to a halt mid-trip after panicking out or having their car break down. Escort police are stationed at strategic spots along the bridge to assist anyone in need.

Photo Credits: Mark Runde / Shutterstock

It takes roughly 25-30 minutes to cross the bridge on a typical day, but it takes longer when foggy. It is critical to maintain concentration and stay vigilant while driving, with eyes fixed on the road. With no shoulders to pull over onto, drivers are reminded to stay focused at all times.

22. Longjiang Bridge, China

Constructed in 2016, the Longjiang Bridge is among the highest and longest bridges ever built. It is more stable and easier to drive on than it seems at first glance. While crossing the bridge, you will be treated to a unique thrill and view of the scenery.

Photo Credits: SUIYIZOUZOU / Shutterstock

The Longjiang Bridge connects the cities of Baoshan and Tengchong in southwest China. The two-lane concrete bridge has a guardrail to reduce the chances of driving into the water. It is 280 meters above sea level; if you fear heights, traveling across the bridge can be a real pain.

23. Mackinac Bridge, United States

Nervous drivers can be assured that the Bridge Authority is as concerned for their safety as they are. If you’re afraid to make the trip, the Mackinac Bridge Authority will help drive you across. In addition, they maintain a website with the necessary information and a Twitter page giving daily updates.

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The “Mighty Mac,” its informal name given by the locals, is the longest suspension bridge in the Western Hemisphere. The hour-long ferry ride across the Straits of Mackinac is now just a 5-7 minute drive across the bridge. Annual bridge walks, open to the public, help the authorities maintain bridge safety against strong winds.

24. Mekong River Crossing, China

In our opinion, suspension bridges are the most terrifying. The Mekong River Crossing is made of thin wire, making it a nerve-wracking trek across. You shouldn’t miss a step when walking traveling. If you slip, you will need expert swimming skills to navigate to safety.

Photo Credits: Almazoff / Shutterstock

As suggested in its name, the 2,700 miles long bridge spans the Mekong River in Southeast Asia. If you’re planning a trip, try going in late autumn. It’s the best time as the sunsets are spectacular and the weather is less hot.

25. Millau Viaduct, France

Millau Viaduct is a multi-span cable bridge designed with a fan-like configuration. It is 270 meters above the river and spans a 2-kilometer valley in the Massif Central Mountain. The arched steel gives the bridge a yacht-like mien complementing the stunning scenery.

Photo Credits: BearFotos / Shutterstock

The Millau Viaduct is a glorious example of the French tradition of daring works of art. As per the description given in The Washington Post, the Millau Viaduct may be the lightest, glossiest design anywhere. It’s also bordered by nature to become a pure environmental sculpture.

26. Monkey Bridges, Vietnam

In evolutionary terms, humans have a shared lineage with apes. Builders of the Monkey Bridges may have considered this ancestry when putting up the bridges. Monkeys are known to enjoy climbing, and this bridge looks tempting for any life-long climber.

Photo Credits: Thuydaonguyen / CC BY-SA 3.0 / en.wikipedia.org

Contrary to their name, these bridges are made specifically for humans rather than monkeys. Vietnam has a plethora of monkey bridges in various forms and shapes. Locals use the bridges to travel into the marshland and across rice paddies. We suggest that you only use these bridges if you’re completely stuck with nowhere to go.

27. Montenegro Rainforest, Costa Rica

Costa Rica has diverse wildlife, volcanoes, and approximately twenty-seven national parks. It’s also home to one of the scariest bridges, the “Hanging” Bridge. This bridge remains suspended despite its missing rings. Walk carefully as one wrong step will send you into the shrubs below.

Photo Credits: Aves y Estrellas / Shutterstock

The Montenegro Rainforest has about six footbridges in total. The swaying bridges give a spectacular view of the tropical landscape and wildlife. If you’re lucky, you’ll experience the thrill of fog covering the bridge, making you feel like you’re walking among the clouds.

28. Mount Huashan Plank Bridge, China

Moreso than the other bridges on this list, the Mount Huashan Plank Bridge poses a greater risk of death. Mount Hua’s key feature is the plank walk erected over 700 years ago. The trail is steep and curved, with only a safety rope to save you from falling into the abysmal depths.

Photo Credits: WeiShen / Shutterstock

Regardless of the risk associated with this plank walk, thousands of people visit China each year for a unique experience. The 130 meters long path is divided into three pieces. If hiking across a bottomless pit appeals to you, consider adding this bridge to your itinerary.

29. Titlis Cliff Walk, Switzerland

Running along the cliffside of Mount Titlis in the Swiss Alps, this pedestrian bridge is the highest elevation suspension bridge in Europe. It is approximately 100 meters long, 1 meter wide, and able to withstand winds of up to 120mph.

Photo Credits: 2p2play / Shutterstock

To take in the full scenery of the mountain, you need to walk across this bridge. From the height of approximately 3,239 meters above sea level, you can see the surrounding mounts without anything blocking your view. Thanks to the 360-degree view, you will feel on top of the world.

30. Peak Walk, Switzerland

Just like the previous bridge, the Peak Walk is a suspension bridge in the Swiss Alps. The one-of-a-kind bridge is 107 meters long and less than a meter wide. Visitors are treated to a unique experience involving a circular summit tour on the pedestrian-only bridge.

Photo Credits: Mario Krpan / Shutterstock

The Peak Walk offers breathtaking views of Mont Blanc, Jungfrau, Monch, Matterhorn, and Eiger. It’s all visible from 3000 meters up, making your adventure more nerve-wracking. If you get a chance to climb it, the exercise will be good for your nerves.

31. Puente de Ojuela, Mexico

Puente de Ojuela, the site of an abandoned mine, is a must-see for daring explorers; it is located about nine kilometers from Mapimi town. The bridge spans over a canyon with a length of over 300 meters. The bridge’s sways and jumps may heighten your fear, but it’s remarkably secure.

Photo Credits: Isaac Salvador Pérez / CC BY-SA 3.0 / commons.wikipedia.org

The sides are secured by handrails and protective planks. Unfortunately, the large gaps in between the aforementioned planks can make you hesitate. The openings provide an unobstructed view of the desert canyon below. Though the scenery is stunning, these areas are dangerous for unprepared tourists.

32. Quepos Bridge, Costa Rica

The Bananera Company built the Quepos bridge from 1930 to 1940 to allow transportation of bananas to the Quepos port. Although it appears frightening, the bridge is safe unless you believe it will collapse while you are crossing. It is among the world’s remarkable bridges.

Photo Credits: hex1848 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / commons.wikimedia.org

The Quepos bridge is extremely narrow and seems ready to collapse under the weight of a bicycle before trucks come through. Nonetheless, large trucks drove over the bridge, making the loose slants clang loudly and shake under the extra weight. The Quepos bridge has since collapsed and is no longer active.

33. Root Bridges, India

Even though we don’t think about it often, people rely on nature for just about everything. Usually, this involves taking resources from nature to build things we deem necessary; but in the case of the root bridges in India, all the work was done by Mother Nature.

Photo Credits: Arshiya Urveeja Bose / CC BY 2.0 / commons.wikimedia.org

An outstanding feature of the Indian Root Bridge is that its strength is dependent on the tree’s health. This bridge, once mature, can hold 50 people or more over its lifespan of about 150 years. Despite being a natural invention, the bridge needs maintenance for efficient operation.

34. Royal Gorge Bridge, United States

There are several ways to experience the exhilarating Royal Bridge. You can take a gondola across the canyon and enjoy the spectacular 360-degree aerial view. You can also walk across the 956-foot-high bridge above the Arkansas River and watch boats below.

Photo Credits: Inbound Horizons / Shutterstock

The Royal Gorge Bridge also gives an unrivaled experience using the Cloud-scraper or Ferrata Zipline. Located near Cañon City, this bridge is among the tallest suspension bridges in the world. Despite being considered dangerous due to its height, the bridge is relatively wind resistant.

35. Seven Mile Bridge, United States

Seven Miles has two bridges, the current road bridge built from 1978-1982 and the older version built between 1909-1912. The old version is narrow, unlike the modern bridge, making driving on it a thrilling experience. It was too tiny to accommodate two bypassing automobiles.

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On the older bridge, the northbound and southbound traffic are separated by no guardrails. As a result, the bridge is prone to accidents since one driver’s carelessness can put another at risk. The current bridge, on the other hand, is wide enough to park and admire the view.

36. Sidu River Bridge, China

The Sidu Bridge connects two distinct parts of the country previously separated by numerous rivers and mountainous terrain. The massive 4,009-foot long bridge is reinforced at both edges by H-shaped towers. Because of the height and length of the bridge, the builders had to use a rocket to complete the construction.

Photo Credits: Glabb / CC BY-SA 3.0 / commons.wikimedia.org

Standing at 1,600 feet above the canyon floor, the Sidu Bridge is the second tallest in the world, having held the top title until 2016. Despite its intimidating height, crossing the bridge is relatively safe as it can support up to 43 million tons. Chinese experts outdid themselves and others to make the bridge a haven.

37. Storseisundet Bridge, Norway

The Storseisundet Bridge is part of the Atlantic Ocean Road (also known as Atlanterhavsveien) and is the longest among the eight bridges, spanning 260 meters. Another, albeit unofficial, name for it is the drunk bridge because it seems to vanish as you ascend.

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The bridge offers an optical illusion that’s simultaneously entertaining and scary. The sharp bends may send fear as they seem ready to plunge any vehicle trying to cross it into the water. If you muster enough courage to cross the bridge, the illusion makes your experience memorable.

38. Sunshine Skyway Bridge, United States

The Skyway Bridge is not the first bridge to be given this name, though it has a different design than its predecessor. The original bridge was destroyed in 1980 by a thunderstorm that smashed through a freighter. The collapsed old steel cantilever structure was replaced by the new cable-stayed bridge.

Photo Credits: Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

Although the Sunshine Skyway Bridge suffers during major storms, it usually has heavy traffic courtesy of busy Floridians. Its columns are corroded, prompting regular reinforcements. The bridge has appeared in a number of films like the 2012 movie Spring Breakers.

39. Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge, China

If you thought a high suspension bridge was terrifying, Chinese contractors took it to the next level by making a transparent glass bridge. Crossing the bridge may require a new level of boldness. The bridge spans a natural park, making up for its petrifying construction.

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The transparent bridge terrifies most visitors, despite the thousands of tourists that flock there every year for a unique experience. At the time of its opening, the Zhangjiajie glass-bottomed bridge was the longest and highest of its kind. It’s especially unsafe during the rainy season because the water can make the glass slippery.

40. Taman Negara Canopy Walkway, Malaysia

The Taman Negara Canopy Walkway is a once-in-a-lifetime canopy walk that makes your palms sweaty while partaking in this thrilling experience. For the best experience, visit the bridge during the morning hours. Your walk should take about 20-30 minutes. If you’re early, you could catch a glimpse of the grey-haired monkeys.

Photo Credits: RoB / CC BY-SA 3.0 / commons.wikimedia.org

Apart from windy and rainy days, the bridge is open every day. Hold the railings firmly while admiring a beautiful view of the Taman Negara from the top of the podium. But be careful, because falling off may make you the next meal for a roaming tiger.

41. Trift Bridge, Switzerland

The Trift Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning approximately 170 meters and is reserved for pedestrians. It was originally built in 2004, but was reconstructed in 2009. A cable car trip will take you to the bridge, where you can take a 90-minute hike and walk.

Photo Credits: Roland Zihlmann / Shutterstock

The bridge offers a view of the lake and the glaciers. The Trift Bridge is located in a popular mountain climbing area receiving approximately 20,000 visitors per year. For the best experience, it’s best to visit between June and October.

42. Tibetan Bridge, Italy

If you’re an adventure enthusiast, this Tibetan bridge should be on your list of future destinations. The bridge connects the Italian municipalities of Cesana and the Torinese Clavierie. The nearby limestone cliffs and gorges are visible from about 30 meters above the ground.

Photo Credits: claviere.it

The Tibetian Bridge in Claverie extends across the San Gervasio as a three-cable bridge sequence. A walk across the three bridges may take some time. Fortunately, the experience is unique and memorable. For the best experience, visit between June and September.

43. U Bein Bridge, Myanmar

The U Bein Bridge is built of teakwood planks and is the last of Inwa’s old royal palace. Though the bridge appears unfinished and tattered, it is among the few of royal origin. Teakwood is a tough, long-lasting wood that can tolerate extreme cold and heat.

Photo Credits: Ajman / Shutterstock

The U Bein Bridge is famous for its record as the world’s longest teakwood bridge. We’d risk climbing the U Bein Bridge mostly to watch the sunset from its vantage point. It’s best to visit the Myanmar bridge during the dry season just before sundown for a unique experience.

44. Vitim River Bridge, Siberia

Besides vast landscapes and cruel winters distinguishing Serbia, it’s home to the Vitim River Bridge, also known as the Kuandinsky Bridge. The bridge is a six-foot-wide path making it too narrow for a standard car. Not only is it narrow, but the old metal train bridge is riddled with rotting wooden planks.

Photo Credits: Nail Asfandiarov / Shutterstock

The icy conditions in the environment make the wooden planks slippery almost all year round. Driving or walking through the icy slick without falling takes more than luck. There are no safety features like hand railings, meaning that you’re stuck with the unpredictable water.

45. Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia

The Langkawi Sky Bridge offers an ideal adventure for those wishing to touch the sky. You can reach for clouds suspended across the bridge hanging close to the sky. The Kedahn Langkawi Sky Bridge is a well-known tourist destination hidden deep within Malaysia.

Photo Credits: Vladimir Zhoga / Shutterstock

The bridge is located at the end of the cable car ride. It is a beautifully designed pedestrian bridge giving one access to amazing landscape views. If you plan to visit the Malaysian sky bridge, remember to bring your camera or to charge your phone beforehand.