Holoportation And Its Applications For Astronauts 

By Moureen N

Every now and then, we witness such a rapid advancement in the field of technology that each new innovation leaves us in awe. At one time, it seemed impossible for a person to be present at two or more places at the same time. That’s why teleportation has been one of man’s fantasies. That fantasy is closer than ever before to becoming a reality.  

Image credit: LookerStudio/Shutterstock

A recent technology called holoportation has made dreams come true through its ability to construct 3D models of peoples and transmit them anywhere in the world or even in space, in real-time. So, the person being holoported can join in-person meetings while working remotely. People perceive the holoported individual as a real physical entity and can listen to him or her as if they were actually in the room.

Image credit: Demetrio Zimino/Shutterstock

This technology has not only impacted the people on earth; its applications also extend into space. In space, medical teams can use holoportation to monitor the health of astronauts through private conferences with doctors on earth. Similarly, an astronaut can be holoported to the earth when sitting 250 miles above the earth and while moving at a speed of about 17,500 mph. Medical and psychiatric diagnoses of the astronauts have been made easier, more secure, and effective. It is removing the communication gap and improving the lives of people in space. Besides the medical applications, it is also helpful in planning and executing a mission successfully in space. It provides a better way of communicating with families, friends, and colleagues alike.