Importance of Fibre in Your Diet

By Toby T

It has probably come to hearing that you should include fibre in your diet, and you might have been wondering why too. 

Dietary fiber, which is mainly found in legumes, fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain, is known for its ability to relieve or prevent constipation. Other foods that contain fiber could also perform some other functions like maintaining a healthy weight and lowering your risk of been diagnosed with diabetes, different types of cancer, and heart diseases.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form something gel-like. It can also help to lower blood glucose levels and cholesterol. Soluble fiber can be found in peas, oats, peas, apples, beans, citrus fruits, barley, carrots, and psyllium.

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Insoluble fiber increases the movement that occurs through your digestive system and increases the bulk of your stool. This could, of course, be beneficial to those who have issues with irregular stools. Some good sources of insoluble fiber include nuts, whole-wheat flour, beans, wheat bran and vegetables, such as green beans, cauliflower, and potatoes.

It also leads to regular bowel movements. It increases the size and weight of your stool and further softens it. A bulky stool is sure more comfortable to pass, thereby decreasing your chance of having constipation.

 Research has also found out that high-fiber foods may posses other heart-health benefits, like reducing inflammation and blood pressure. 

Dietary fiber also helps in controlling blood glucose levels. A diet that contains insoluble fiber could also reduce the risk of a person being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

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It helps in achieving a healthy weight. Foods rich in high-fiber are usually more filling than foods rich in low-fiber, thereby making you eat less and staying satisfied for a more extended period.  

It helps you live longer. Research has shown that increasing the dietary fiber you take, especially cereal fiber, helps to reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and the different types of cancers.