Sleeping For 8 Hours Can Improve Heart Health

By Anthony K

Sleep is a behavior that may be changed and is essential for promoting health and lowering cardiovascular risk. No matter how much you exercise, weigh, age, smoke, or eat well, not getting enough sleep can heavily impact your cardiovascular health. As a result, the chances of having heart disease rise.

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Vascular disease was one of the country’s leading causes of untimely deaths. In 2020, about 697,000 people in the United States perished because of cardiac disease. The deaths from heart diseases accounted for 20% of all deaths that year.

The most common type was Coronary, killing over 380,000 that year alone. Let’s have a look at ways in which sleep can aid in preventing cardiovascular complications.

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The average American sleeps about 6 to 7 hours a night. The national average is concerning as it is under the global recommended average. The medical community recommends 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Lifestyle behaviors among the American population can be blamed for this. Drinking alcohol, not exercising, and smoking can adversely affect an individual’s sleeping pattern. Healthy sleep demands regular daily timing to allow your body to spend time healing.

Image courtesy of @jessedo81 / Unsplash

You can self-assess your sleeping patterns to know if you have been getting enough sleep. If you recognize that you have not been sleeping well, it is highly recommended to pay a visit to your local doctor or cardiologist. They can help you significantly reduce the chances of developing a cardiac disease.