What To Eat Without Messing Up Your Diet When You Are At A Restaurant

By Letizia L

Adopting a healthy, balanced diet capable of maintaining your weight is not an impossible undertaking even if you eat out often. The essential thing is to maintain the right balance between nutrients and not be tempted by dishes that are too rich in seasonings and with high-fat content. Basically, the advice is to opt for only one course, avoiding overly elaborate dishes, and combine it with a side dish of fresh vegetables.

It is better to avoid the dishes of the day, offered by most restaurants, because they are generally very high in fat and calories, opt instead for single dishes that are never too elaborate or a first or second course accompanied by vegetables. Couscous is perfect, fresh, and rich in seasonal vegetables. If you love the first courses, make your choice a smart one. Red vegetables and fruit, such as tomatoes, are an ideal source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that is enhanced during cooking, especially if it is boosted with a little garlic or onion, which provide anti-aging protective substances, and if seasoned with a teaspoon of raw oil extra virgin olive oil, rich in vitamin E and other antioxidant substances.

If you prefer protein dishes (they contain substances important for the chemistry of satiety, such as leucine, valine, and L-tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin), choose lean fish, such as cod, sole, and sea bass, which can either be steamed or boiled and seasoned with a drizzle of oil and lemon juice.

As for meat: choose lightly seasoned turkey, or chicken, preferably accompanied by some vegetables, which provides many vitamins, potassium (which” deflates “, because it counteracts water retention), and fibers that satiate and stimulate the intestines At the end of a protein-based meal(meat, fish or cheese), you could have some pineapple: it contains papain and bromelain, which promote and encourage the digestion of proteins.