What You Need To Know About The Relation Between Your Body And Electricity

By Anthony K

Everything you do is regulated and facilitated by electrical signals coursing the body. Physics argues that everything’s made up of atoms comprising three important things. This article explores the source and role of electricity in the human body.

Source: @camstejim/Unsplash

The three things are protons (positive), electrons (negative), and neutrons (neutral). Atoms can carry negative or positive charges by losing and gaining electrons. The flow of electrons between atoms is electricity, and so the body is a huge mass of atoms generating electricity.

Scientists argue that your body can average about 100 watts at rest. It produces enough energy to light a bulb. Other persons can produce up to 2,000 watts of power when performing strenuous activities like sprinting.

Some nervous system diseases can cause electric shock in the human body. An electric shock sensation is mainly associated with Lhermitte’s, which occurs when the immune system attacks nerve fibers and annihilates myelin to slow down nerve signals. The pain is more evident when flexing the neck.

The human body conducts electricity, and each behaves differently when electricity pulses through. Electric current may trigger cardiac arrest or cause tissue damage. Electric shock is lethal and may cause death, classified as electrocution. The electric shock provides a power surge that interrupts normal operation.

Source: @sigmund/Unsplash

Your body may also sustain safe voltage amounts. Voltages above 50 volts are lethal but don’t kill people directly. The cause of death depends on the exposure duration and the current amount in each voltage. Some unfortunate victims have died after exposure to as little as 42 volts.